EU Joins Critics Against Assault on Mexican Embassy in Quito

April 7, 2024 Hour: 12:39 pm
This Sunday, the European Union (EU) joined the international condemnations against the violation of the headquarters of the Mexican embassy in Quito during the assault perpetrated this Friday by the police of Ecuador to arrest former vice president Jorge Glas.
The EU stated that protecting the integrity of diplomatic missions and their personnel “is essential to preserve stability and international order” and to promote “cooperation and trust between nations”.
In a statement signed by the spokesman of the European External Action Service (the EU diplomatic corps), Peter Stano, the 27 member states of the Union assured that “Any violation of the inviolability of the premises of a diplomatic mission violates the Vienna Convention and must therefore be rejected”.
I condem the violation of the premises of the Mexican Embassy in Quito, in a clear breach of the Vienna Convention of 1961.
I call for respect of diplomatic international law.
— Josep Borrell Fontelles (@JosepBorrellF)
April 7, 2024
Ecuador: ����condena la violación de la sede de la Embajada de ���� en Quito e insiste en la importancia del respeto de la Convención de Viena de 1961.
La protección de la integridad de las misiones diplomáticas es fundamental para orden internacional— Peter Stano (@ExtSpoxEU)
April 7, 2024
On the other hand, the High Representative of the European Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy, Josep Borrell expressed this Sunday his disagreement with the raid carried out by the Ecuadorian Police, in which diplomatic personnel were injured and resulted in the immediate breakdown of diplomatic relations between Mexico and Ecuador.
Borrell recalled on his X account the inviolability of diplomatic territory established in the Vienna Agreements. “I condemn the violation of the facilities of the Mexican Embassy in Quito in a clear breach of the 1961 Vienna Convention. I call for respect for international diplomatic law,” he said.
This way he EU joined the condemnations of UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres, US Department of State Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Cuba, Honduras, Nicaragua, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Dominican Republic, Uruguay and Venezuela.
After being taken from the Mexican embassy, the former Ecuadorian vice president Jorge Glas has already been flown to the maximum security prison of La Roca, located in the prison complex of the city of Guayaquil and reserved for the most dangerous prisoners.
Mexico Grants Asylum to Former Ecuadorian Vice President Glas
Ecuador Declares Persona Non Grata to the Ambassador of Mexico
Nicaragua Formally Breaks Diplomatic Relations With Ecuador
Jorge Glas Transferred to Maximum Security Prison
Autor: teleSUR/ACJ
Fuente: EropaPress//EFE